
UX consultant with 17 years experience, I work as a freelance and am based in Geneva (Swizerland.) I also teach design and usability at the HEIG-VD in Yverdon-les-Bains. My job is to help teams design and improve their digital experiences and adopt a user-centric, agile approach to problem solving and generating high-value ideas for business evolution.

My approach

My job as a UX includes joining digital teams with different organizations and at different steps in a project. As a user experience expert, I represent the users’ point of view, and therefore push for user research and testing throughout the project. As a team member, I adapt to project history and frame, including technical choices, strategic decisions, budget and deadlines.

  • User-centric

    I am a big believer in asking the user at all steps of product design, from user research to guerilla user testing.

    › User interviews
    › Focus groups
    › Personas
    › Business Snalysis
    › User tests

  • Co-conception and interactive prototypes

    Wireframing is a great way to gather feedbacks, inspect and adjust in an iterative and visual way.

    › Wireframes with Axure
    › Interactive prototypes
    › Collaboration
    › Co-conception
    › Functional specifications

  • Omnichannel experiences

    Mobile applications, responsive websites, smartwatches and giant touch tables: digital design thrives on new devices and I had the chance to experiment on a few of them.

    › Mobile applications, iOS and Android
    › Responsive websites
    › Point-of-sales digital experiences
    › Touchpoints mapping and interlinked user journeys

  • Agility and design thinking

    Agility promotes an approach where failing is accepted and encouraged, but quick and cheap. I advocate transparency and iterative conception for a lot of teams.

    › PSM1 certified
    › Sesign thinking
    › Co-conception
    › UX workshop facilitation

  • Business metrics

    Design is an empirical approach, and digital products are never really finished: I push for KPI measurements and follow-up to improve constantly on the long-term.

    › Google Analytics
    › Hotjar
    › Heatmaps and funnels
    › Online surveys
    › User testing
    › AB testing

My background

My studies first focused on the technical side, with multimedia and programming, with a DUT Services et Réseaux de Communication in Montbéliard, France. I was always motivated by how new technologies would change the information world, and complemented my studies with journalism, which later lead me to become a Multimedia Journalist for the Agence France Presse in London. I finished my studies at university with a Marketing Masters, giving me the most useful tools I use today as a UX in Geneva: statistics, benchmarks, user research, personas, etc.

  • Multimedia and programming

    Multimedia and programming

    I started university with a Bachelor's degree in Multimedia and Informatics. During this 2-years course, I discovered many aspects of a digital project, including user experience, design, programming, project management, etc. I developed projects with Director and Dreamweaver, coded in Java, Wap and C++ and designed my first interactive prototypes. I was even lucky to be taught about usability by Bastien and Scapin, well-known for their heuristics.

  • Marketing

    After information and communication, I finished university with a Master's degree in Marketing and Business communications. During this 1-year course, lead by Pierre-Louis Dubois, famous marketing teacher and researcher, I discovered market studies, surveys, samples and a lot of tools I use on a daily basis now as a UX consultant.

  • Project management

    My first experience was project management in a communication agency in Paris, France. I learned a lot being the link between business owners, creative and production teams, from understanding needs to writing a good brief and project kickoff, managing resources, budgets and deadlines... It gave me a good experience of gathering different profiles around a project, and anticipate all stakeholders' questions to assure quality.

  • Journalism

    When I started studying new technologies, I was preparing for the changes they would have on information and communication. Amateur journalism at a local newspaper since I was 16, I completed my Bachelor's degree with a training period at the Agence France Presse in London, as a Web Journalist. It was a great way to learn how to prepare and improve information for Internet, and to train for user interviews.

  • International experience

    I was born and studied in France, but I have travelled and worked in several countries, including the United Kingdom, Canada, Switzerland and New-Zealand. As a freelance, I work with clients from San Francisco to Wellington, and communicate with users and stakeholders from Nigeria to Pakistan.


"I completed Scott Klemmer's (University of Michigan) Human-Computer Interaction course on Coursera."


18 years experience, international

background in France, Canada, New Zealand and Switzerland